Evan Rachel Wood on the origins of Kajillionaire's big dance scene

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Evan Rachel Wood steals nearly every scene in Miranda July’s new film, Kajillionaire. As Old Dolio, she’s a 26-year-old with the emotional intelligence of a 12-year-old and an oversized wardrobe to match. She’s awkward and possessive, but still yearns for a life of her own—something that hasn’t really been possible with her parents until Gina Rodriguez’s character, Melanie, comes into the picture. Alongside Melanie, she begins to explore the little things she’s missed in her life, from Saturday morning pancakes to warm hugs. Together, the two actually pay for food at the grocery store, and even do some dancing, just because. It’s that latter scene that’s so staggering, as Wood uses Old Dolio’s doddering naïveté to create a dance that’s both so free it’s impressive and also almost too free for comfort. The A.V. Club talked to Wood about that scene, as well as what she’d nab to eat were she set free in a gas station convenience store right after living through “The Big One.”

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