Even on his vacation, Trump manages to ruin some kids’ day

Donald Trump is on vacation right now, hanging out on a golf course, shooting the breeze, and only occasionally stepping away from his relaxation to rattle his saber at an angry nuclear power. Still, even when he’s on a break, Trump apparently can’t help but ruin someone’s day, as reported in a Buzzfeed story that broke earlier today, revealing that Trump’s residency at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf course forced a bunch of kids at a nearby day camp to miss out on a bunch of skydiving superheroes.

It’s apparently Color War week at the Tamarack Day Camp in Randolph, New Jersey, which usually kicks off with some kind of big, flashy spectacle to get the camp’s attendees pumped up for some good-natured competition. This year, it was supposed to be an “invasion” from a bunch of “bikers,” which would be thwarted by costumed superheroes falling out of the sky with parachutes. Unfortunately, though, Tamarack sits one tenth of a mile into the 30-mile No Fly Zone around Trump, and so, with the bikers already on their way to politely rampage around, the flight was canceled at the very last minute by the Secret Service. The camp had already cleared the dive with the FAA, and ended up on a three-way call with them and the Secret Service (with the aviation authority basically pleading on the campers’ behalf). But the Service declared no dice. “We had 250 kids on the ground waiting for this to happen,” the camp’s assistant director told Buzzfeed. “We were shocked and disappointed. We felt really let down.”

And hey, we get it: if the Secret Service starts compromising for one kids’ camp, they’ll have to start compromising for all of them, and the next thing you know, international terror groups are starting their own teen ropes courses as a way to get to POTUS. Still, it gave the good-natured event a particularly anti-climactic ending, as the counselors scrambled to give the event some kind of pay-off. Securing a last-minute fire truck—a favorite of children and presidents alike—to drop the heroes off, they still staged the rescue. But, because all the proper costumes were with the performers on the grounded plane, they had to do so dressed in knock-off equipment and hastily store-bought masks. According to camp staff, “It was a bit of a letdown”; you can see their best efforts over here.

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