Even Patton Oswalt’s 7-year-old daughter mocking Trump now

Dogging Donald Trump is quickly becoming an American pastime, as a) the majority of Americans did not vote for him, b) many of the ones who did are starting to realize he is a horse’s ass, and c) he is an idiot, thereby making him uniquely susceptible to and deserving of being dogged. Nowhere is our Commander in Chief dogged ably or more quickly than on Twitter, which is funny because it is also where he retires to regain his trolling powers. It is a great place to troll back.

However, some people are too young to dog Donald Trump on Twitter, and so must resort to snail mail, which is still one of the most effective means of contacting your representatives. And so accomplished Twitter opponent of Donald Trump Patton Oswalt has enlisted his 7-year-old daughter to insult the president using a rare snail-mail and Twitter double-assault.

The usage of emojis here is particularly inspired, in that the younger Oswalt has equated herself with the cool emoji and President Trump with the “losing its shit” emoji. She is essentially saying, “U mad?” only translated to a more universal language. “CALM DOWN” is a great bit of advice for our actively burning-out, paranoid, enfeebled president.

Her dad is headlining our comedy fest this year, as you may’ve heard. No word yet on whether or not we can get her to pen a scathing For Our Consideration using only emojis, but here’s hoping.

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