Even Republican-ass Aerosmith doesn’t want to get any Donald Trump on itself

Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler might be busy douche-ing it up in carefully test-marketed appearances for his upcoming country music album, but even he notices when his band’s music gets appropriated for purposes too odious to countenance. And when the guys in Aerosmith think you’re a little too obnoxious even for them to be associated with, it might be time to consider taking it down a notch, maybe to “Gilbert Gottfried on cocaine” levels. ABC News reports the band’s frontman has asked Republican front-runner Donald Trump to stop using Aerosmith’s “Dream On” at his rallies, despite the song being an absolutely perfect motto for the candidate, though possibly for reasons different than Trump believes.

Tyler’s lawyers sent Trump’s campaign committee a cease-and-desist letter, instructing them to stop playing the song at campaign stops. According to the letter, Trump does “not have our client’s permission to use ‘Dream On,’” or presumably any other Aerosmith songs that would be nevertheless be apropos for the candidate, like “Crazy,” “Hole In My Soul,” or that chart-topping hit, “Dude Looks Like A Jagoff.” Additionally, it says Trump’s use of the song “gives the false impression that he [Tyler] is connected with or endorses Mr. Trump’s presidential bid.” Indeed, the much-vaunted “Aerosmith bump” will have to be foregone by the presidential contender, which is probably a big loss, as who knows how big an electoral boost those ten cokeheads in Miami who actually liked Just Press Play would’ve provided?

Tyler is a registered Republican, and attended the first GOP debate in August. Guitarist Joe Perry has similarly described himself as being a “definite old-school Republican.” Which makes sense, because the lyrics to their songs suggest that education is not high on the band’s list of priorities. A lawyer stressed the legal request to pull the song was not personal or political, but rather a simple matter of permission and copyright. Which seems like a diplomatic way of saying, “Even these yahoos think your candidate is a fucking Looney Toon.”

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