Ever-resilient humanity unites to overthrow Avatar's Papyrus font at last

Ever-resilient humanity unites to overthrow Avatar's Papyrus font at last
Screenshot: Disney+

If there’s one thing we can all agree that Star Wars: The Force Awakens will go down in history for, it’ll have to be freeing our species from the tyranny of having its most successful movie—ever—feature a piece of graphic design that you could recreate in roughly four seconds with a Microsoft Word pulldown menu. It’s been a joke for more than a decade now that the poster font for James Cameron’s Avatar is essentially just Papyrus, the preferred font of mummies and Rainforest Cafes everywhere, to the point that SNL made hay out of the design choice as recently as 2017.

But now: No more.

That’s right, folks. We appear to be free of the Avatar Papyrus font at last—at least, according to Disney+. With the recent launch of the service in the U.K., fans of bright blue hair-tail people/Sigourney Weaver getting work noticed a change in the film’s promotional materials. Which is to say, they noticed this:

And sure, some of the edges on the typeface are still a little…rustic. But that’s also clearly a font that someone went out and designed the hell out of, right up to sticking a big flying horse thing on the A. Meanwhile, the film itself still features a variant on the original logo—nobody’s spending money to actually edit the long-running joke out, George Lucas-style—but it’s also not clear whether the new logo will also take over for the series as a whole, if and when Cameron’s various sequels finally make their way to theaters.

[via Decider]

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