Every other house on block to look like crap next to lavish Ghostbusters-themed Halloween light show

Jack-o'-lanterns and royalty-free spooky sound CDs seem tame in comparison

Every other house on block to look like crap next to lavish Ghostbusters-themed Halloween light show
The Ghostbusters confront their greatest threat yet: A garage door. Screenshot: Seasoned Projections

There’s always one house in a neighborhood that takes Halloween more seriously than any other, decorating with enough panache that the dollar store cobwebs and dangling skeletons that everyone else on the block put up look like trash in comparison. The most extreme example of this phenomenon we’ve ever seen has been captured in a YouTube video that sees a regular house turn into a 7-minute Ghostbusters light show.

California-based creator Seasoned Projections writes in a Facebook post showing off their work that they “started early” on this year’s project, beginning with research in December 2020, and production in February and March of this year. Using “a freshly built workstation… to help with the 4K editing,” Seasoned Projections put the show together using Adobe After Effects and says making the Ghostbusters’ proton streams work was the most challenging part of the process.

The result is killer—a kind of Ghostbusters greatest hits that plays out to the always-welcome sounds of Ray Parker Jr. Pumpkins sing along to the theme song while Slimer pops up to mug and drip green goop from the windows, a skeleton throws down a lantern to light the house on fire, and the first movie’s demon dogs arrive to stand sentry over the driveway. Later, Vigo The Carpathian shows up in his painting and the Ghostbusters blast him away with their proton packs before everything ends with the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man looming over the street.

In short: Everyone else on the block might as well just give up and send their boxes of tiny chocolate bars to the Seasoned Projections house to hand out. They have won Halloween 2021 and, unless the rest of the neighborhood comes together to crowdfund Dan Aykroyd standing in the street and telling ghost stories through a megaphone, they will continue to reign triumphant for years to come.

[via Digg]

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