Everyone’s going as Groot, Olaf, or Maleficent this Halloween

Unsurprisingly, the most popular movies of the past year are fodder for the most popular movie-inspired Halloween costumes of the year. In a new survey from Fandango, Maleficent, Groot, and Olaf topped the list of most popular film-inspired Halloween costumes for women, men, and children, respectively. Fandango polled over 1,000 movie fans, and the gender normative results are below.

1. Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent
2. Katniss, The Hunger Games
3. Mystique, X-Men: Days Of Future Past
4. Black Widow, The Avengers/Captain America: The Winter Soldier
5. Gamora, Guardians Of The Galaxy

1. Groot, Guardians Of The Galaxy
2. Captain America. The Avengers/Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3. A Ninja Turtle (unspecified), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
4. Star-Lord from Guardians Of The Galaxy
5. Dracula, Dracula Untold/Halloween in general

Unsurprisingly, Marvel is well represented in the poll results, while Jennifer Lawrence gets two characters on the list. Elsewhere, it seems a bit unfair to give the recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles remake and the just-released Dracula Untold the credit for inspiring two perennially popular Halloween ensembles. Although, considering this data was collected from people who vote in Fandango polls, perhaps this entire survey is questionable.

[via The Wrap]

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