Everything's changed at Moordale in Sex Education season 3 trailer

School's back in session at Moordale, but Otis and Maeve's sex advice business is seemingly over forever

Everything's changed at Moordale in Sex Education season 3 trailer
Asa Butterfield and Emma Mackey in Sex Education season 3 Photo: Courtesy of Netflix

Sex Education’s third season is coming on September 17. We got a glimpse at the new Moordale at the hands of Mr. Groff’s replacement, Miss Haddon, in a teaser, but now we can see that a lot more has changed. Apparently, Moordale is being recognized as the “sex school” in the nation, so the new headteacher is trying to do some major damage control.

Instead of giving the students a proper sexual education that doesn’t come in decrepit bathroom stalls from fellow teens, the kids are getting abstinence-only lectures. As anyone who has had to sit through one of those courses knows, it accomplishes absolutely nothing when teens are filled with raging hormones. And now, those bathroom stalls where Otis and Maeve would give out helpful advice have been destroyed. Uh-oh. This season is going to be pure chaos, and we can’t wait to watch how things unfold.

It also looks like Otis—who still doesn’t know why Maeve never responded to his voice message where he confessed his feelings—is spending more time with Ruby. Could they be giving their romance a proper go even though he might still hold a torch for Maeve? We see that Maeve and Otis rekindle their friendship, which leads to Otis third-wheeling while she’s hanging out with Isaac—much to his chagrin. As for how things are going for the others on the romance front, it looks like Adam and Eric are still going strong, despite Adam now being the target of bullying. And Jackson has found love with new student Cal.

This writer also needs to comment on the music choice for the trailer. The use of “Death” by White Lies is instilling pure 2010s nostalgia for those of us who were anglophilic teens in the late 2000s, and it’s a reminder that Sex Education’s soundtrack is fantastic.

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