Evidence That Dina Lohan Is A Selfless Single Mom

Evidence that Dina Lohan (a woman who is roughly 70% of all the disgusting things in the world, and also mother to Lindsay Lohan) is a selfless single mom (as outlined in GQ, via Goldenfiddle):

1. Dina Lohan isn't just some over-tanned, attention-hungry crazy party mom eager to push her two daughters into the spotlight just so she can jump in next to them. She's also a whiny mom who complains about her perception to GQ magazine in advance of her new E! reality show:

There's this perception that I'm this crazy party mom, which has never been the truth.

2. Dina Lohan is relatable! She has problems with stupid E! reality show producers—just like all single moms:

I'm a single mom. Other moms can relate to having to work, to having the same problems I deal with. The producers wanted to set the show in Las Vegas. I didn't want that.

3. In fact, Dina Lohan does everything other single moms do: like hang out with her fellow moms, envy Joe Simpson, manage her two daughters' careers by going to clubs, and endure relentless persecution simply because she's a mother:

I hang out with moms! Yes, I'm Lindsay's manager. Yes, I have to show up at events. Yes, sometimes they are at clubs. But Joe Simpson doesn't get ridiculed—because he's a manager and he's respected.

GQ: Why do they ridicule you, then?

Dina Lohan: It's because I'm a mother.

4. God is on Dina Lohan's side. Well, either God, or flimsy platitudes about God that are used as justification for essentially selling her youngest daughter to E!:

GQ: Lindsay has had a tough road. Why subject Ali to the same temptations?

Dina Lohan: I'm not going to close a door where God opened a window for Ali.

5. Like all selfless single moms, Dina Lohan will fight for her daughters, especially if they're making her money—even if that means getting a reality show on E!. Is there anything she won't do for those kids? [youtube:ES27i-pwLLI]

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