Exclusive Image Comics preview: Joe Casey and Piotr Kowalksi’s Sex returns with issue #15 (NSFW)

An endeavor that takes full advantage of its writer’s long-abiding interest in superhero narratives and the freedom afforded to creator-owned titles, Joe Casey’s SEX has garnered its share of controversy since launching last year. Several comics apps even went so far as to pull the first issue from their roster of offerings due to its graphic sexual imagery. But that title is misleading: Casey may be onto something with his fusion of the superhero with the erotic. His protagonist, Simon Cooke, spent his formative adult years as a masked vigilante (the “ultimate alternative lifestyle”), but he has since retired and returned to his hometown to run his business.

More than anything else, this book is an examination into what happens when a maladjusted person replaces a lust for justice with plain old lust. Capitalizing on the freedom offered by creator-owned titles and being part of the Man Of Action comics creator group—as well as artist Piotr Kowalski’s Euro comix sensibilities—Sex returns next month with a new issue following the escapades of Simon, Annabelle, Keenan, and company. Sex Volume 2: Supercool is available this week, and issue #15 hits stands August 27, but here’s a sneak peek at the latter, along with a Diamond Order code for the issue.

Sex #15 is in stores August 27, 2014. Diamond Code = JUN140497

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