Exclusive: Tokyo Police Club are making some ridiculous on-the-road videos

Exclusive: Tokyo Police Club are making some ridiculous on-the-road videos

Like anyone that tours a lot, the members of Tokyo Police Club have to find ways to keep themselves entertained in those long stretches between shows. Rather than turn to drugs or knitting (as far as we know), the band has taken to making some supremely goofy “Web Based Content.” Their series debuted last week with some ask-the-band shenanigans, and the production level has only increased with the second episode, which we’re debuting for you below. Find out why TPC keeps a mysterious blue skull on their merch table, how they make smoothies, and some dark secrets about their undergarments. Are we witnessing a metamorphosis? Is this band turning into a sketch-comedy troupe? I guess we’ll have to wait for next week’s episode to find out.

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