Experts Quoted In Us Weekly

Here's a list of some of the 'experts' quoted in Us Weekly's cover story about how Britney's marriage to Popazao is on the rocks (the same story that made Spears cry in front of Matt Lauer):

Expert: Michael Levine Area(s) Of Expertise: an image expert who "has conducted public relations campaigns for Jon Voight and Michael Jackson." Implicit Argument Made By Choosing This Expert: Jon Voight and Michael Jackson are beloved by all people, and have two of the most enviable public images showbiz has ever seen. Britney would be lucky to follow in their image footsteps. Expert: Dr. Robi Ludwig Area(s) Of Expertise: Marriage counselling. Oh, and hosting the upcoming TLC show One Week To Save Your Marriage! Implicit Argument Made By Choosing This Expert: The doctors on reality TV shows are real doctors, just not of psychology. Or science. Or anything else, well, real. Expert: Missy Elliott Area(s) Of Expertise:: The music industry, rapping, answering an Us Weekly reporter's question with a sufficiently colorful quote. ("I think [Britney] wanted to have her babies. And then she'll come back and we'll forget she ever had them.") Implicit Argument Made By Choosing This Expert: Missy Elliott gives a shit about what's happening to Britney Spears' career.

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