Facebook partners with Spotify and Apple Music to tell your Music Stories

If you’ve ever found yourself discovering new music on Spotify or stumbling upon an old favorite in Apple Music, but lacked the nerve to yell “You’ve gotta hear this!” at a stranger nearby, Facebook has just solved your problem (if it could really be called that). The social network has just partnered with the two music streaming services to create Music Stories that will be shared with your friends or followers via the iPhone Facebook app.

The current method for bragging about your “deep tracks only” lifestyle, or subtly informing your friends via a Le Tigre song that you’re so over social media, has involved setting up your Facebook profile to share your activity on various music streaming apps. This new post format will share a 30-second clip of “All Meow Life (Justin Hook Remix)”, or whatever song or album you’re listening to, with your friends. If they like what they hear, they can click on the respective Apple Music or Spotify link to purchase the song or album, or otherwise subscribe to the service(s). So now, people won’t have to just take your word (or song title) for it.

The Music Stories feature is now available on Facebook via your Apple Music and Spotify subscriptions, and the social network is looking to add other music streaming services down the road.

[h/t Variety]

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