Faces Of Anger

Did anyone catch the Oprah v. James Frey fight yesterday?

Not since her "You told Harpo to beat me!?" speech in The Color Purple has Oprah been so angry. And disappointed. And watery-eyed.

Fortunately for Oprah, anger comes across really well in soft focus.




Unfortunately for everyone watching, schlocky-ness is also rendered particularly well in soft-focus, like the part at the end of the show where Oprah was spinning the whole episode with James "I have no idea if I had Novicaine during those two root canals" Frey into "the beginning of another truth," or some other 12-step-ism.

C'mon, Oprah, not everything has to have a message.

Still, mean Oprah is way more fun to watch than uncomfortable Oprah,

or care-about-the-kids Oprah,

or man-touching Oprah,

or creepy-portrait-of-Oprah-and-Steadman-by-a-fan Oprah.

Ok, I take that last one back.

But imagine how angry Oprah will get when she finds out that no one in her "Angel Network" is, in fact, an angel.

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