Faith-based filmmakers invite NRA members to see their movie for free

Faith-based filmmakers invite NRA members to see their movie for free

In a news story that resembles the private nightmare of agnostic liberals and skittish ticket takers everywhere, the team behind a faith-based documentary is offering free tickets for their film to card-carrying members of the NRA. Before your college-age cousin can hop on Facebook and declare that he or she is “officially heading to Canada to get away from all this nonsense,” though, it’s probably worth noting that the film, The Armor Of Light, is intended as a conversation about the relationship between guns and the Christian faith.

Directed by Walt Disney grandniece Abigail Disney, the film follows conservative evangelical preacher Rob Schenck as he crusades to stop gun violence. (Disney has said that the film strives to operate above the labels of “anti-gun” or “pro-gun,” as though that were a thing that can happen in America in 2015.)

Armor Of Light is scheduled to open in a number of theaters that have previously done well with faith-based films (possibly attempting to lure in those good, honest Christians who were sad that War Room didn’t have a little more gunplay). During its opening weekend, selected theaters will offer free admission to people showing off their NRA membership cards, a move which will presumably lead to the kind of free-flowing, warm-hearted conversation about gun violence that can only happen when a bunch of heavily armed people get together for a friendly little chat.

[via Deadline]

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