Faith No More’s keyboardist wrote an opera about Bigfoot

As reported by Noisey (via Rolling Stone), Roddy Bottum—the keyboard player for Faith No More—has written an opera about Bigfoot. And no, you probably didn’t just have a stroke. This is a real thing that’s really happening. Titled Sasquatch: The Opera, the show will premiere as part of the “Story Binge” project from Brooklyn’s Experiments In Opera (an organization that does exactly what its name suggests) in April.

Bottum—who should be played by Matt Walsh if they ever make a movie about Faith No More—says Sasquatch is a love story about a girl whose family operates a business that takes people into the woods to look for Bigfoots (Bigfeet?). When the family gets run off by a real Bigfoot, the girl sticks around and develops a “taboo love affair” with the creature. Bottum says he liked the idea because it was “preposterous,” and also because he’s interested in “gentle giant” characters like Frankenstein’s monster. The implication there seems to be that Bottum’s Sasquatch is going to kill some people, which is good, because most operas don’t have enough rampaging monsters.

Here’s Bottum himself giving a quick introduction for Sasquatch: The Opera, which unfortunately doesn’t give us any indication of what it will actually sound like:

Story Binge – ‘SASQUATCH: The Opera’ by Roddy Bottum from Experiments in Opera on Vimeo.

He looks like Matt Walsh, right? Anyway, Faith No More is also putting out new music, and Sol Invictus (its first album in 18 years) will be available on May 19. As far as we know, none of the songs on it will be about Bigfoot.

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