Fan fiction meets reality as Carrie Fisher details her affair with Harrison Ford

Star Trek may have been responsible for birthing the “slash” phenomenon, but Star Wars has spawned its share of explicit fan fiction over the years as well. Now, the ever-candid Carrie Fisher has come forward to both stoke and put out the fire between fans’ loins by finally just coming out and saying that she totally fucked Harrison Ford on the set of the original Star Wars. (Do you blame her?)

Okay, maybe not on the set proper, but definitely after hours during an “intense,” drug-fueled, three-month affair that began when Ford gave Fisher a ride home after she got too drunk to drive one night. “It was Han and Leia during the week, and Carrie and Harrison during the weekend,” Fisher tells People. But before you get too starry-eyed, Fisher adds some less-than-sexy details: Not only does she admit to being a ”bad kisser” at the time (she was 19, he was 34), but she heavily implies that Ford was a less-than-considerate lover who got away with being disappointing in bed because of his good looks. He was also, uh, married.

We expect someone to have written a revisionist version of these events full of mutually satisfactory lovemaking by the time we finish typing this sentence. The full account of what actually happened can be found in Fisher’s upcoming memoir, The Princess Diarist.

[via The Daily Dot]

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