Fanboys protest about as sad as you'd expect

The kerfuffle over Harvey Weinstein's new, pathos-free edit of Fanboys was supposed to erupt this weekend, as the scrappy Rebel Alliance of miffed Star Wars obsessives were ostensibly banding together against the Evil Empire by protesting the premiere of Weinstein's new Superhero Movie. While it's difficult to know who to root for when it comes to Harvey Scissorhands vs. guys who get uppity if you don't know how many parsecs it took the Millennium Falcon to make the Kessel Run, it's hard not to let out a Jabba-like chuckle over this report on what a lackluster protest it all turned out to be. First of all, whether a protest even took place seems to be a matter of much debate: A fan group calling itself The 501st claims that 14 protesters went to an AMC theater in New York, but by its own admission, when confronted by a security guard, they chose to go inside and pay to see 21 instead. And yet, even this paltry showing is under dispute: An AMC spokesperson said it never happened, while a YouTube video from the "event" (since removed) apparently showed one lone protester complaining that no one was there. Even sadder was this report from L.A.:

The group also claimed that more than 20 showed up at AMC's theaters in Century City and faced even more security guards who asked them to leave the mall, which was considered private property. An AMC rep said the protest was limited to one person in a Darth Vader costume on the street outside the theater. A source close to the film said eight protesters did appear, and were taken out for pizza by one of the filmmakers.

Fools! Don't they know pizza is the path to the dark side??!!

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