Fast And Furious savior Justin Lin is heading to Apple

According to Variety, Justin Lin is leaving his longtime deal with Sony Pictures TV—through which he has helped make Scorpion, the new Mangum P.I., and Cinemax’s Warrior happen—for the presumably cushy, still-mysterious confines of Apple’s streaming service. Variety says Lin has signed an “exclusive overall TV development pact” with Apple, and while that doesn’t specifically say he’ll be making shows for the Apple streaming service we know nothing about, it does mean that Apple has dibs on future TV shows Lin develops. Hopefully this also means that Apple is going throw some good money at whatever he decides to make, because his TV output hasn’t quite taken over the world in the way that his theatrical work has. Lin happens to be the guy who resurrected the Fast And Furious series, taking it from the Point Break knock-off of the first two movies to the heist/superhero thing it is now by directing Fast And Furious, Fast Five, and Fast And Furious 6.

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