Fast food workers seize the means of production, renounce their "Burger King"

The charbroiled flames of revolution are spreading from its origin at a Lincoln, Nebraska, BK franchise locale

Fast food workers seize the means of production, renounce their "Burger King"
The now-deposed Burger King, seen with his retinue of decadent loyalists in 2008. Photo: Timothy A. Clary/AFP

The revolution has finally begun, comrades: Nine employees at a Burger King in Lincoln, Nebraska, recently unshackled themselves from their charcoal chains and walked off the job, citing godawful working conditions. On their way out the doors, The BK Nine also left a message for their petty bourgeoise district managers on the fast food locale’s marquee reading, “WE ALL QUIT SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE.”

“I didn’t think anybody was going to notice it, because we did just one sign, and then it went pretty crazy on Facebook. I got a call from my upper management and they told me I needed to take it down,” former general manager, Rachael Flores, told a local news outlet—not that it matters what her petty bourgeoise masters thought, given the genuine abuse they allegedly heaped on her and her fellow workers.

According to Flores, the perpetually understaffed branch resulted in 50-60 hour work weeks, uninterested district management, and 90-degree kitchen temperatures that resulted in Flores being admitted to a local hospital for dehydration. Upon hearing the news, the GM recounts her boss called her a “baby.”

In a show of solidarity, fellow comrade, Kylee Johnson, stuck with Flores through the tribulations. “I just stayed to help Rachael out. She’s my best friend. She’s been with me through a lot. I just want to help her as much as I can.” Flores and her eight supporters have already handed in their keys to the Lincoln location, but notes that while the branch remains open, it is still understaffed with new hires lasting only days. “They believe other locations may have similar experiences,” reports the local news outlet. It certainly tracks with the Burger King regime’s recent socio-political rumblings

You hear that, tyrants? The charbroiled flames of revolution are spreading.

[via BoingBoing]

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