Father of the music video, bossa nova dies

Father of the music video, bossa nova dies

Every radio star killed by the video and anyone who ever blamed it on the bossa nova has reason to mourn today, as beloved French singer Henri Salvador has died at the age of 90. Over more than a half-century of performing, Salvador cranked out so many albums that he himself said he "lost count of them"—even reportedly planning on releasing one later this year—but it's doubtful that few outside the most ardent Francophiles on these shores are familiar with Salvador's work. Nevertheless, you've definitely heard (and seen) his impact, as Salvador was one one of the first musicians to set his songs to televised images, prompting some in France to dub him "the father of the music video." Salvador is also credited with introducing rock 'n' roll to France via his hit "Rock 'N' Roll Mops" and inspiring what came to be known as bossa nova with his classic song "Dans Mons Isle," which Brazilian jazz musician Antonio Carlos Jobim used as the basis for a new style built around slowed down samba beats. Despite his legendary influence, Salvador remained forever humble and self-effacing: In a recent interview regarding his place in music history, Salvador unwittingly offered his own epitaph, saying, "I don't care a bit about that. When we disappear, the world still keeps turning. We are nothing." A true Frenchman to the end. Au revoir, Henri.

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