FCC fines Fox over American Dad "horse ejaculation" episode

The FCC is looking to slap Fox with a $25,000 fine over a Jan. 3 episode of American Dad, which featured some “ribald dialogue,” followed by a scene that was “highly suggestive that one character has given a horse an ejaculation.” Claiming it received more than 100,000 indecency complaints about "Don't Look A Smith Horse In The Mouth" (an episode which our own obvious pervert Todd VanDerWerff rated as a "B," as in "Boy, I sure do find horse ejaculation funny"), the FCC is upset over the network’s alleged “willful and repeated violations” of its order to respond, something Fox has said it finds puzzling, since it claims to have already answered “all of the questions related to the substance” of the investigation. Those indecency complaints were spearheaded by the eternally vigilant guardian angels of the Parents Television Council, who launched a campaign urging concerned citizens to direct all of their horse-jerkin’ jeremiads not only to the FCC, but also to lawmakers on Capitol Hill, who definitely don’t have other things to worry about right now. Fox says they will respond to the fine “in due course,” most likely after it gets done dealing with its years-old, seemingly endless “fleeting expletives” case, which stems from that 2003 incident at the Golden Globes when Bono said the F-word that one time.

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