Feel the “Fragile White Sadness” in this delicate, glamourous, sad, fragile Lana Del Rey parody

Feel the “Fragile White Sadness” in this delicate, glamourous, sad, fragile Lana Del Rey parody
Tiffany Topol Screenshot:

Perhaps you remember Lana “Glamorous Person” Del Rey’s album-announcing Instagram post?“

If you don’t, it’s understandable—it happened in late May, which is roughly nine months ago in 2020 time. It provoked quite a response, and the response prompted Del Rey to keep on diggin’ that hole and then dig some more.

Enter Chicago’s The Paper Machete, a weekly “live magazine” that has, like many public arts events, gone digital during This Difficult Time™. One of its recent offerings is a Lana Del Rey parody called “Fragile White Sadness,” created and performed by multidisciplinary performer Tiffany Topol. And like many of the most ruthless parodies, it blends expertly written comedy with some of Del Rey’s own comments in such a way that it’s difficult to tell which are genuine and which aren’t. (The Maya Angelou moment, pictured in the screenshot above, is not—but the FKA Twigs moment that immediately precedes it is quoted verbatim.)

She’s not not a feminist, but she’s not not not a feminist. Well done, Machete and Tiffany Topol.

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