Feel yourself instantly radicalized with this Kardashian income calculator

Ever wanted to feel the stinging realization of just how poor you are without having to go through the hassle of logging in to your online bank account? Well, you’re in luck! Now you can feel all the depressing sensations of 21st century wage disparity with just the click of a mouse thanks to this handy-dandy Kardashian family income calculator. Created by UK clothing line Missy Empire, the “You VS The Kardashians” website prompts users to enter their annual salary and then wallow in despair as they see how quickly each member of the Kardashian/Jenner clan can earn that much money.

Nothing says “this country is in dire need of a redistribution of wealth” quite like the realization that Kim Kardashian earns the average teacher’s salary in a matter of hours. But maybe the thing that will push you to finally read up on Marxism is the fact that 20-year-old Kylie Jenner earns that same amount of money in less than a day because she is on Instagram a lot and … sells lip stuff?

Just in case this annual salary calculation isn’t enough to ruin your day, the good people at Missy Empire were kind enough to include an additional running tally of just how much money each of these media moguls has earned in the seconds since you entered your salary at the top of the page. So, just sit back, watch the that little number get bigger, and feel the urge to let the poor eat the rich grow stronger and stronger.

[via Mashable]

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