Feeling Minnesota

Feeling Minnesota

In this consciously quirky comedy, Keanu Reeves plays an ex-con who returns to his hometown on the day of his brother's forced wedding to an unwilling bride (Cameron Diaz). The brothers resume fighting while Reeves and Diaz commence screwing, a pattern of events followed throughout the remainder of the movie. While Feeling Minnesota is marginally watchable—in part because of the odd presence of Dan Aykroyd and Courtney Love—it's ultimately pointless, repetitive and more concerned with appearing offbeat than actually doing anything inventive. It could also serve as Exhibit A against anyone who still maintains that Reeves can act: Watching him is like watching one of those carnival machines where chickens play tic-tac-toe: The motions are more or less correct, but you can't help wondering where the electric prods are hidden. Reeves' scenes with Diaz do little to justify her hype, either.

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