Fifty Shades Of Grey producer calls Michael Bay’s Benghazi movie with another Benghazi movie

Political satirists have been drooling greedily at the news that Michael Bay will be directing 13 Hours, a serious movie about the 2012 terrorist attack on an American compound in Benghazi. And now, as is the way of all Hollywood things, he’s in for some competition.

According to Deadline, Relativity Media and Fifty Shades Of Grey producer Dana Brunetti have acquired the life rights to tell the story of Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, two Navy SEALs who died saving Americans during the attack. Relativity production president Robbie Brenner says Bay’s film is about the unfolding of events on the ground, while theirs will be “more a story of brotherhood and camaraderie.” Brotherhood or not, Bay does have a pretty significant head start, as he’s already locked in John Krasinski, James Badge Dale, and Pornstache to star in the Paramount adaptation of Mitchell Zuckoff’s book 13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi.

And yet, Relativity and Brunetti don’t seem to be fazed by the sure-handed, famously subtle director’s Benghazi film. Before even attaching a director to their project, they say they will work with Woods’ wife, Dorothy Woods, and Sean Lake, Doherty’s best friend, to put together an accurate script penned by Matthew Sand (Deepwater Horizon). But regardless of how the movie turns out, the political satirists now have a great BDSM angle for their Benghazi movie jokes.

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