Finally: A $1,000 robot that will fold some of your clothes 

Are you tired of spending up to eight hours a day folding laundry? Have you had it up to here with piles of unfolded clothes interrupting the most important moments of your life? Do you worry you have way too much room in your house? Then may we introduce the FoldiMate, a $1000 robot that can fold some of your clothes and is conveniently the size of a damn copy machine.

After being unveiled at last year’s Consumer Electronics Show, the first iteration of the FoldiMate inspired at least 8,000 people to get a paid pre-order reservation, officially declaring they’re too rich to fold their own shirts anymore. But the newest model—which isn’t expected to be available until the end of next year—features a shiny new design, some streamlined features, and a price tag that reads $980. For that low, low price, you’ll get the satisfaction of feeding your freshly laundered clothes to a robot and then retrieving a stack of neatly folded garments from its glowing stomach.

We know what you’re going to ask: Can this thing really fold all my clothes? Nope! The FoldiMate can only handle shirts, button-ups, pants, towels and pillowcases. Socks and underwear are a no-go, as are baby clothes and sweaters. But the makers of FoldiMate still say that, using the machine, you could process an average load of laundry in two to four minutes, despite the fact that you have to slip in each individual garment by hand.

If you’re ready to admit you no longer have the will to do the simplest of chores, or you just need a place to blow all that Christmas money at once, FoldiMate is accepting early pre-order deposits on their website.

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