Finally, a reason to vote this election year: Paul Rudd might give you a cookie

Finally, a reason to vote this election year: Paul Rudd might give you a cookie
Photo: Leon Bennett

Paul Rudd, actor, youthful star of COVID PSAs, chicken wing-enjoyer, and presumed owner of a painting in his attic that looks like absolute shit these days, is now giving cookies to people waiting to vote. Rudd was seen in Brooklyn yesterday, managing to inspire more excitement than any politician just by hanging out in the rain and dispensing baked goods.

A video tweeted by Brian Rosenworcel shows Rudd, who previously took part in a Joe Biden fundraiser, on the street next to a line of voters. “I want to say thank you for coming out and voting and doing your part,” he says. He then walks off, probably just about to shrink in size and scamper through the sewer system before emerging in another voting location to do the whole thing again.

Before that definitely happened, though, Rudd appeared in a lot of selfies. A bunch of pictures show him, masked up and cookie-handed, encouraging participation in a fractured democracy by promising the beleaguered masses an opportunity to eat free food and get a photo of themselves with a famous actor. Some of these people likely came home later to proudly tell their roommates that they’d just voted. “So what? Do you want a cookie?” they might’ve heard before pulling one out of their pocket and announcing that, no, movie star Paul Rudd had already given them one.

Let this be encouragement to get out there and do your civic duty. Paul Rudd, like a more handsome and charming Santa Claus, may right now be traveling across the country, his sleigh packed with cookies ready to be hand-delivered to people waiting to cast their vote.

[via Boing Boing]

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