Finally, an Instagram account dedicated entirely to the art of "gripping food with force"

Finally, an Instagram account dedicated entirely to the art of "gripping food with force"
Photo: Colorful High Speed Photographs

Allow the internet to exist for long enough and, like a mutant version of Borges’ Library Of Babel, every possible aspect of the human experience will end up being documented on it. The latest entry to this eternal project is an Instagram and Twitter account that exists for no purpose other than to show various types of food being gripped really hard.

Self-described as the “Worst account on Instagram” and “Worst account on Twitter,” Gripping Food With Force is an ever-increasing archive of hands squeezing food into a pulped mess. There are corncobs, birthday cakes, pudding cups, hamburgers, and sad plates of pseudo-poutine. It is all completely fucking disgusting.

There are ice cream cones and bottles of syrup and pretzel sticks, apples crushed between bulging muscles, eggs exploded in front of chickens, and meatball subs bursting into a mush of beef and bread above a laptop.

Sometimes the account gets a little cheeky, showing a potato gripped hard enough that it turns into chips or a bunch of grapes that are transformed into a bottle of wine.

In all cases, though, Gripping Food With Force’s mission remains the same. Every food item imaginable must be photographed being held with such strength that it changes form into a disturbing preview of the digestive process. No food will escape this process. The accounts will continue their work, building something that becomes, in the sense of size at least, greater and greater with each passing day.

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