Indiana firefighters have rescued a kid from a tree who was trying to rescue a cat from a tree

Fortunately, nobody needed to rescue the firefighters while they rescued the kid trying to rescue the cat

Indiana firefighters have rescued a kid from a tree who was trying to rescue a cat from a tree
The architect of chaos relaxes while watching the scene unfold. Screenshot: Fox59 News

Sometimes, when the universe configures itself in just the right way, events occur that are so perfectly absurd they seem like they shouldn’t have happened at all. We’ve documented many of these stories in the past because it’s important to catalog the most momentous occasions in human history as they arrive. And now we’ve been given another to chisel onto the great tablet of life: A group of firefighters showing up to rescue a kid from a tree who got stuck trying to rescue a cat in a tree.

Last Saturday, the Associated Press reports, a 17-year-old boy, who’s referred to only as “Owen,” spotted a cat stuck high up in a tree in Indianapolis’ Holliday Park. Eager to save taxpayer money by ignoring the traditional solution of calling up a firefighter to rescue the cat, Owen decided to get the job done himself and climbed on up.

When he got 35 feet above the ground, however, he ended up stuck in the tree and with no cat to show for his work. The Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD) was then called in order to rescue the boy who tried to rescue the cat stuck in the tree.

IFD battalion chief Rita Reith said Owen “was trying to do a good deed and bring the cat to safety” but ended up in a position that didn’t easily allow him to get back down. After two hours of work, he was lowered to the ground with “only a few scrapes.” And the cat remained stuck in the tree.

Reith told press that “the cat seemed to enjoy the commotion but made no effort to climb down the tree” as the whole situation unfolded. (Video shows it watching, unimpressed, as the IDF and onlookers gathered below). Its owner “ended up hiring a private company” later on to rescue the cat, making this the most circuitous solution to the problem we’ve ever heard of.

Still, everything seems to have worked out in the end, which we’re glad to hear because god only knows what would have happened if the firefighters tried to resolve the situation by sending a dog up into the tree to rescue the cat, which got stuck and required a monkey go up the tree to rescue the dog, which got stuck, too, and so on, and so on.

[via Boing Boing]

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