For only $10k, you can barf on William Shatner in zero gravity

Star Trek fans with about $10,000 to spare will now be able to experience what traveling through space with William Shatner would actually be like. Zero Gravity Corporation and Roddenberry Adventures announced today that on August 4 they’ll run a Las Vegas flight during which a group of lucky rich people can experience weightlessness with Captain Kirk. The experience costs $9,950 plus 5 percent tax, and takes place in a “specially modified Boeing 727.”

At least Shatner’s excited. “Going weightless will turn a dream into reality,” he says in a statement. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to actually explore the Final Frontier and now I have the opportunity to experience zero gravity firsthand. It will be an incredible adventure.” So if the idea of barfing on an octogenarian sci-fi star is appealing to you, and you have a shit ton of money, this is really your moment.

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