For whatever reason, Mike Tyson is featured on Madonna’s new record

As she ages, Madonna has seemingly tried to seek out cooler, younger acts to guest on her records, thus (theoretically) making her appear cool and young herself. She did it on 2012’s “Give Me All Your Luvin’,” which featured MIA and Nicki Minaj, and she’s apparently trying to do it again on her forthcoming Rebel Heart, which features guest appearances from not only Minaj, but also Nas, Chance The Rapper, and, for whatever reason, convicted rapist Mike Tyson. Both the Adult Swim darling and Chance pop up on “Iconic,” doing what is anyone’s guess. But fans are right to be both skeptical and somewhat optimistic, because, well, it could be good? Right? Maybe?

Rebel Heart is due out March 10, although six of the tracks are already streaming online.

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