Former Against Me! bassist Andrew Seward successfully juggles family life and punk rock on Human Parts’ “Now We Wake Up”

Former Against Me! bassist Andrew Seward successfully juggles family life and punk rock on Human Parts’ “Now We Wake Up”

When Andrew Seward parted ways with Florida punk rockers Against Me! it wasn’t clear what direction he would take. But now that he’s resurfaced with his own project Human Parts, Seward’s new music shows that he’s the rare rocker who actually took more time to be with his family. The video for new track “Now We Wake Up” features Seward with his wife, vocalist Verite Seward, and band mates Kim Helm, Dave Kotinsley, and Andy Switch celebrating the junction of punk and family life. They run around with kids in a backyard kiddie pool, drive around the neighborhood with the kids and a dog in the backseat, and air drum while the kids jump around on their bed. It’s a playful video that pairs two supposedly opposite ideas: punk rock and raising a family.

Human Parts' self-titled debut  comes out September 10.

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