Former Sonic Youth bassist Kim Gordon cooks up an endorsement for Bernie Sanders

Former Sonic Youth bassist Kim Gordon cooks up an endorsement for Bernie Sanders
Photo: Aurora Rose

Musicians have been doing a bang-up job with their Bernie Sanders endorsements so far this year. The Strokes turned a rally into a giant party, Zola Jesus explained how her vote went against family loyalty, Killer Mike and Cardi B have both sat down to talk policy with their candidate, and even Neutral Milk Hotel’s Jeff Mangum peeked a head out of his secret Jeff Mangum hiding place to pass along an endorsement.

Kim Gordon, the former Sonic Youth bassist/vocalist who released her debut solo album No Home Record last fall, may have just set a new standard for endorsements, though. Consider this for yourself by watching the clip below, which sees Gordon urging viewers in Super Tuesday states to go out and vote Sanders today through a cooking show.

This debut episode of What’s Cooking America? is pretty straightforward. Some carnival-style organ music introduces Gordon and she begins holding up ingredients that consist of pieces of paper with sentences like “Medicare For All,” “Green New Deal,” “Ban For-Profit Prisons,” “Women’s Rights,” and “Cancel Student Debut” on them. Each one is read aloud, dropped into a giant mixing bowl with an accompanying slide whistle sound effect, and results in a Sanders-themed sheet cake.

As Gordon stands waiting for her Sanders cake to come out of the oven, the list of Super Tuesday states appears on screen. Aside from reading ingredients, her only spoken words are: “Vote for Bernie.”

This is a very kool thing that we hope motivates 100% of voters to get out there today. If all goes well, Gordon’s video will bolster Sanders’ electability, if not just his kissability. Sure, kill yr idols and all, but if you’re currently considering leaving your ballot as the empty page, maybe Gordon’s star power will help provide some motivation to kick off your dirty boots and get out there.

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