Former WWE wrestler Marty Jannetty didn't say he killed a guy, he said he "disappeared"

Former WWE wrestler Marty Jannetty didn't say he killed a guy, he said he "disappeared"
Marty Jannetty (left) with Shawn Michaels Screenshot: WWE

Marty Jannetty, who rose to fame as one-half of The Rockers alongside a baby-faced Shawn Michaels, saw his career shatter into pieces after his turncoat partner threw him through a window on January 11, 1992. After a few brief returns to the squared circle, the grappler more or less faded into obscurity, resurfacing in recent years only when one of his extremely horny Facebook posts would go viral. Well, it’s that time again, but the post he shared on Wednesday went more than viral—it’s alerted law enforcement.

Jannetty wrote in the now-deleted post that he was nearly molested by an older man who was selling him weed when he was 13 years old. “That was the very first time I made a man disappear,” he wrote. “They never found him…they shoulda looked in the Chattachoochie [sic].” (See a screenshot of the post over at TMZ.)

Naturally, this caused those who read it to pause and ask themselves, “Did…did Marty Jannetty just admit to murder?” TMZ reports that law enforcement in Jannetty’s hometown of Columbus, Georgia are aware of the situation and investigating it. “The first step will be seeing if we have any missing persons or unidentified remains cases that match the limited information in the post,” said a spokesperson from the homicide/cold case division.

Today, Jannetty discussed the situation during a messy interview with Boston Wrestling Sports. “I said he disappeared, I didn’t say I killed him. I said he disappeared,” Jannetty says while decrying the headlines that emerged following the post.

Later, he describes the incident in some detail, saying that he used a brick to fend off his attacker. “I can’t say he deserved to die, but he deserved to get his ass beat. And when I was beating him in the head with a brick, I was only trying to beat his ass, I wasn’t trying to kill him.”

If the purpose of the interview was to proclaim that he didn’t, in fact, kill this man, it doesn’t quite come off that way. At one point, Jannetty veers into an aside about dragging the man into the river, though it’s unclear if he’s describing something that really happened or merely hypothesizing about it. “Can you imagine dragging him to the river and throwing him in?” he says. “And then finding out on the news this guy is missing? And you know the dude. And you know more than that.” Later, he offers some more ominous words: “All I know, man, is that no other kids had to worry about him.”

The closest he comes to actually saying that the man didn’t die comes later. “I’m not saying right now that he died, but I’m just saying a person don’t need to die because they’re fucked up in the head.”

He also acknowledges that he’s being investigated for the alleged crime, saying a “sheriff friend” of his said a warrant had been put out for his arrest.

You can listen to the interview here, though note that it contains many racist and homophobic statements.

[via Cageside Seats]

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