Fox orders time-travel comedy from guys behind Last Man On Earth and The Grinder

Phil Lord and Chris Miller already have a lot on their plates. Writing the Lego Movie sequel, directing that Han Solo spinoff film, producing all those Lego movies and The Last Man On Earth, all while trying to finish creating that animated Spider-man feature, adds up to a hectic workload. No doubt there are mornings when the pair wish they had access to a time machine, so they could carve out some extra time to finish all these projects. Instead, they took that wish and made more work for themselves: According to The Hollywood Reporter, the pair are teaming up with The Grinder’s Julius Sharpe to produce a time-travel comedy series for Fox. (And this is on top of the other comedy they’re already making for Fox. Ritalin? Cocaine? Middle child syndrome? Whatever the cause, guys, maybe take a breather.)

The untitled project is a single-camera comedy following three friends who “find a way to travel through time for truth, justice and riches, which complicates their lives in 2016. They visit some of the greatest moments of the past as they try to resolve their personal problems, while history and pop culture comically collide.” Sharpe is writing the pilot, and will produce alongside Lord and Miller, who are probably under strict orders to try not to come up with any new projects while walking from their office to the bathroom each day. The series is Fox’s first official order of the traditional pilot season—a concept that will soon have to be explained to young people as a period of time in which networks chose which TV shows to produce, which will then necessitate the explanation of what a “network” was. Perhaps these historical artifacts could then be better illuminated through their depiction in a time-travel comedy show of some sort.

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