Fox picks up timely time-travel comedy from Phil Lord and Chris Miller

Today is non-denominational time-travel day, a holiday in which people of all cultures are encouraged to annoy their Twitter followers with jokes about time travel. And apparently even TV networks are getting into the spirit of the season. According to Deadline, Fox has just bought In Time, “a time-travel comedy” from the ubiquitous Phil Lord and Chris Miller. The show’s pilot will be written by Family Guy’s Julius Sharpe, and the plot reportedly revolves around a group of friends who try to manage their boring lives in the present day while also going on wild adventures through time. In other words, it sounds a bit like Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, if Bill and Ted had real jobs and responsibilities they had to worry about (but, you know, in a funny way).

This news comes almost a month after we reported that Lord and Miller had picked up the rights to turn Serial into a TV show, which officially confirmed that they can and will do whatever they want these days.

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