Fox Searchlight buys Operation Brothers pitch from Tyrant’s Gideon Raff

As reported by Variety, Fox Searchlight has bought a pitch from Tyrant co-creator Gideon Raff titled Operation Brothers. While that may sound like something from Arrested Development (and probably is), the pitch is actually about a secret Israeli mission in the ‘70s and ‘80s to rescue thousands of Jewish Ethiopian refugees in Sudan. As Variety tells it, Israel’s Mossad spy agency “established a covert forward base in a deserted holiday village” and used it to oversee the many secret evacuations of these refugees “by sea and by air.” It sounds a little like Argo to us, but without the whole “fake movie” and “stupid catchphrase” cover story. FX hasn’t announced if Tyrant will be getting another season, but it seems like Raff (who also co-created Homeland) is getting ready to move on to Hollywood anyway—he’s also attached to direct the adaptation of Alice LaPlante’s Turn To Mind.

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