Fox to give Lone Star one last chance before cancellation

Although it boasted one of the rightfully best-reviewed pilots of the year, Fox’s new drama Lone Star simply couldn’t compete with the mega-hyped likes of The Event, Bristol Palin doing the schadenfreude shuffle on Dancing With The Stars, or CBS’ new sitcom Fat & Fatty Really Sit Around The House, Get It????!!!!. With a relatively abysmal opening ratings number of only around 4 million viewers (by way of comparison, Fat & Fatty drew 12.2 million), many are predicting that Lone Star is already on its way to becoming the first casualty of the fall season. However, Vulture reports that Fox will give the show one last chance with Monday’s episode—which, for Fox, actually counts as a rarified display of extreme mercy. If everybody asks 100,000 of their friends to tune in, maybe we can save it.

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