Fozzie Bear brainstorms ideas for new Muppets projects on @Midnight

It’s only been a couple of weeks since ABC canceled The Muppets, but one cast member’s already moved on to greener, “later” pastures. Fozzie Bear competed on Comedy Central’s @Midnight last night, where he received a hero’s welcome from host Chris Hardwick and fellow contestants Kristen Schaal and John Hodgman. Indeed, things got downright warm and fuzzy, as Schaal and Hodgman helped Fozzie bounce around some ideas for future Muppets projects.

Included among the titles were a new political dramedy called Meep; a daunting, dramatic new role for Miss Piggy in Silence Of The Hams; an Animal House remake starring Muppets drummer Animal; and the Gillian Flynn-inspired Gonzo Girl. But Fozzie admitted he’s not that picky, saying he’ll take “anything as long as I have a job.” Still, he’s maintaining a sense of humor about his current un(der)employment, despite being occasionally mistaken for Seth Rogen in costume.

@midnight with Chris Hardwick

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