Francis Ford Coppola working on horror movie with Val Kilmer

Francis Ford Coppola seems to have officially emerged from his wine-stained slumber and gotten back to making movies in earnest, with Deadline announcing that he is planning on following up the recent Tetro and Youth Without Youth with Twixt Now And Sunrise, “thriller with overtones of horror.” It will be the first time Coppola has done horror since 1996’s Jack. Yes, that’s the second Jack-related joke we’ve made in less than 24 hours. Hey, Coppola not only released it, he approved this poster image. It’s the spot that will never come out.

Anyway, Twixt Now And Sunrise is based on a short story Coppola wrote himself about a horror novelist, and will be filmed entirely on Coppola’s own property in Napa, so he can keep an eye on the grapes. In addition to confirmed cast members Elle Fanning and Bruce Dern, the film will star Val Kilmer—a fine, robust vintage indeed. (As part of his now-standard clause, Mr. Kilmer kindly requests that we not mention MacGruber.)

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