Frank Ocean says he won't press charges against Chris Brown, even as details of the duo's fight emerge

Frank Ocean says he won’t press charges against Chris Brown following their fight last week in Los Angeles. Ocean took to his Tumblr to explain his decision, saying:

“as a child i thought if someone jumped me it would result in me murdering or mutilating a man. but as a man i am not a killer. i’m an artist and a modern person. i’ll choose sanity. no criminal charges. no civil lawsuit. forgiveness, albeit difficult, is wisdom. peace, albeit trite, is what i want in my short life. peace."

That’s pretty big of Ocean, considering the details of the fight that have since emerged. According to a now-deleted blog post by Odd Future producer Michael Uzowuru, who was supposedly with Ocean during the altercation, Brown “was trying to beat the living shit out of” the Channel Orange singer.

Uzowuru wrote that, after he, Ocean, and a guy named "Chito" arrived at Westlake Studios and found Ocean’s marked parking space taken by an orange Lamborghini, he approached the front desk to ask that whoever owned the car move their vehicle. Ten minutes later, Brown, a “big dude,” and a “skinnier dude” came into the parking lot and, after being asked by Ocean to move the car, the “big dude” decked Chito. Uzowuru says, "Instantly Chris and the other dude grab [Frank] and try to jump him,” and that “there's no doubt in my mind the whole thing was a set up.” Brown and the “skinnier dude” then pushed Ocean into a “big fake candle display laced with glass,” causing the injuries Brown was spotted with last week. At some point after that, Brown’s friend had Ocean pinned against a wall while, according to Uzowuru, “Chris was trying to beat the living shit out of him”—though Ocean fought back. Eventually, Uzowuru says he screamed for everyone to stop fighting and (for whatever reason) they did.

Of course, this is just one guy’s story, and a completely uncorroborated one at that. Regardless, Uzowuru remains diplomatic about the alleged incident, saying that ultimately he doesn’t “know what type of demons Chris is facing, but I hope he clears them all and finds a new life rooted in love and light.” The rest of the world isn't so optimistic.

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