Fred Willard arrested for improvisational one-man show in adult movie theater

Affable, old-fashioned comedian Fred Willard was arrested for lewd conduct and briefly held in police custody last night, after allegedly being caught affably, old-fashioned-ly masturbating in an adult movie theater with other fine folks rather than using the Internet. TMZ reports that the 72-year-old was caught "with his penis exposed and in his hand" by LAPD vice squad officers during a "random walk-through" of a well-known adult movie theater, where—using their crack detective skills—they discovered patrons watching adult movies and pleasuring themselves, a bust for which they are surely receiving some sort of special commendation from the commissioner soon, though the article strangely makes no mention.

It does, however, note that Willard was likely enjoying one of three films in rotation: Follow Me 2, Step Dad No. 2, and a "XXX parody" of Lifetime's Jennifer Love Hewitt handjob series The Client List (which we're assuming ironically involves masseuses offering a reading of the poetry of William Wordsworth). It also mentions that Willard is rumored to be in pre-production on a movie titled The Yank, which is certainly unfortunate. On that note, here are a bunch of Christopher Guest movie references we should probably just get out of the way—"Hey, wha' happened?" "Dances With Stumpy…" "Our monthly 'At Ease' weekend…" Best In Show, etc.—so we can all move on to admiring that Fred Willard still has the libido for this sort of thing.

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