Free Thom Yorke remix in honor of Obama
If you check out the Nov. 5 entry of Radiohead's blog, you'll see this message from Thom Yorke:
"in celebration of nov 5th
jonnys burthday
amid bonfire and fireworks in the UK
and the dawn of a new era in politics in the USA
i humbly donate a remix of harrowdown hill that was finished ages ago during the band webcasts,
a small reminder of the dark days of Bush's….
And an embedded player providing a pretty boring remix. Sorry, Thom, nothing personal—but it's Obama! Couldn't you have re-written the lyrics to "Creep" to reflect the gravity of this moment? Here, I'll give it a shot:
He's no creep
He's my hero
America's gonna hear
that he does belong here
He does belong here
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