Friday Buzzkills: Battlestar shuts down, CBS shuts Rather up, and more

Let us join hands and bow our heads as we give thanks for the myriad blessings bestowed on us this year…Um…Yeah, I can't think of any either. Oh well. Let's just carve off another slice of Friday Buzzkills. Hope you saved room!

– CBS has issued its first strike in the ongoing battle to discredit Dan Rather—who, it must be said, probably isn't doing himself any favors with the (Rather outlandish—get it?) $70 million breach-of-contract suit against the network for "failing to give him sufficient air time and failing to assign him high profile news stories after he was assigned to 60 Minutes." Yesterday CBS filed a motion to the New York Supreme Court to dismiss the suit that characterized it as a "regrettable attempt to remain in the public eye, to settle old scores and perceived slights, based on an array of far-fetched allegations." Ouch. If that weren't enough public shaming for one week, today Katie Couric appeared in a web video on Harry Shearer's My Damn Channel mocking Rather's obsessing over his appearance in this earlier video before concluding, "This tart is ready to go!" in allusion to Rather's 2005 comments about CBS' attempts to "tart up" the Evening News by bringing Couric in as a replacement.

– We've been bitching about the writers' strike non-stop lately, and we'll probably continue to do so as long as it keeps interfering with our favorite programs. Today comes the news that Battlestar Galactica has been forced to stop production on its fourth season, having burned through all available scripts. (One tiny dollop of joy on a shitty news sandwich: Bionic Woman has shut down too.)

– Courtney Love is stealing headlines by praising Radiohead's In Rainbows strategy in her Myspace blog (seriously, does the NME check Courtney's Myspace page every fucking day?) and alluding to the fact that she may do the same with her next album, apparently eager to test most critics' appraisal that you couldn't give that shit away. We can doubtlessly look forward to endless statements of self-congratulation if she actually goes through with it.

– Excited about Christmas? You won't be after Larry The Cable Guy's Christmas special, which promises to "combine some new, wacky elements with various classic traditions of Christmas Shows past" via Larry's "own innovative touch" and with the help of special guests like Kid Rock, Flavor Flav, Jamie Kennedy, Jim Breuer, and Tony Orlando. That's like the Buzzkill Family Players right there.

Have a super weekend!

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