"Fucking Distracting!!": Your meme of the week.

"Fucking Distracting!!": Your meme of the week.

It’s the tantrum that keeps on giving. In a tape leaked earlier this week by TMZ, frequently angry actor Christian Bale tore the director of photography on Terminator Salvation a new one for ruining a take by wandering into the shot. The profanity-laced tirade has sparked a mini-debate questioning the “professionalism” of both Bale and the (reportedly asshole-ish) DP. But more importantly, it’s also become its own Internet meme, inspiring dozens of spoofs, remixes, and such in the four days since it became public. In the spirit of keeping our readers up-to-date on a web phenomenon approximately three days past its prime, here are some of our favorites.

First, the original, in case you’ve been living in a cave without wi-fi for the past week.

It took approximately 17 minutes for an intrepid YouTube user to turn that into a Hater-worthy techno remix.

Noise-pop group The Mae Shi also hopped on the bandwagon early with a hastily written, but pretty amusing, original song called “R U Professional”

Then came the movie mash-ups. My favorite, courtesy of Best Week Ever, is “F*ckin Newsies!,” which incorporates both the Mae Shi song and the original remix.

NSFW F*ckin Newsies! @ Yahoo! Video

Less ambitious, but of equal merit—if only because it’s so damn satisfying to hear Bale screaming at the whiny brats of Wah Wah Wah My Feelings, Wah—is the “Christian Bale Is Really, Totally Not Even A Little Into You” trailer.

Of course, one good freak-out deserves another, so it was only a matter of time before Bale met O’Reilly.

Of course, if O’Reilly does it, Colbert has to do it, and why not throw Steve Martin in for good measure?

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c

Stephen Verbally Thrashes Steve Martin

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Christian Bale Parody
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Think you can do better? Head on over to the Christian Bale Soundboard to nab some sound clips… or just blow off some steam at the end of a tough work week. Just keep it in the headphones… you don't wanna be "FUCKING DISTRACTING!!" (Seriously, this is probably the most cathartic website on the entire Internet.)

Now go on and run that bit of pop-culture ephemera into the ground! Have a great weekend, for fuck's sake!

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