Fucking hell, we love this foul-mouthed quarantine cooking show

Fucking hell, we love this foul-mouthed quarantine cooking show
Screenshot: Nat’s What I Reckon

Considering that every delivery meal and trip to the grocery store has now, in 2020, become the equivalent of playing COVID Russian roulette, it’s a good idea to mess around with new recipes that make proper use of the ingredients you’ve already got at home. For those of us who like our education mixed with a bit of entertainment, YouTube channel Nat’s What I Reckon is here to help with a series of foul-mouthed, aggressive cooking shows that smack the shit out of any excuse you might have not to up your kitchen game.

The most recent video sees Nat demonstrating how to make “Sin Bin Soup,” a much better alternative to the packaged soup mix he lights on fire and calls “disgusting” before getting started. Like any other cooking show, viewers are shown how to make a recipe—in this case, homemade leek and potato soup—step by step. Unlike most other cooking shows, the host here explains how to wash “the dirt and shit” out of leeks (which you shouldn’t be scared of as they’re “just tall onions”), that “it doesn’t fucking matter” how you cut certain vegetables, and that “soup doesn’t taste good with burned shit in it.” By the time he’s done, Nat’s shown exactly how to prepare a nice bowl of homemade soup and toast. (“God help you if you can’t make toast,” he says, refusing to explain the directions. “Fucking hell.”)

Previously, Nat also beat the hell out of a packaged mushroom risotto and provided a tutorial of how to replace it with your very own, which you can create with any kind of ingredients, including magic mushrooms so you can “spin out at dinner.”

To round out a full week of quarantine meals, you can also check out Nat’s “Carbo-Rona Sauce” and “Quarantine Sauce,” both of which repeat his forceful advice not to use “stupid shit” that’s “fucking disgusting” and “tastes like shit” for your pasta. No matter what you choose to make, just remember what Nat says at the end of his risotto video: “Don’t be a grub and cook shit out of a packet; fucking make it yourself. You’re more talented than you think you are.”

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