Full Frontal With Samantha Bee bids a fond farewell to Ted Cruz jokes

Full Frontal With Samantha Bee bids a fond farewell to Ted Cruz jokes

When Ted Cruz put a stop to his campaign for president, he also sent (most) Ted Cruz jokes into hiatus. Although Cruz’s fundamentalist dogma never earned him any fans over at TBS’ Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, his sudden departure has put an abrupt end to the show’s use of the Cruz thesaurus, which housed ever so many sick burns on the erstwhile candidate. Last night, host Samantha Bee bid Cruz jokes (including his campaign) a farewell, but not before firing off some hilarious parting shots.

Thanks to Cruz’s lack of resolve, we might never known how “human Twilight Zone music” would have been incorporated in Bee’s scathing analysis of his platform, nor will we see video of his theater days used to punctuate his latest ridiculous remarks. That is, unless he finds a way to Klingon in the world of politics (we assume that’s the joke Cruz would have made). The world will provide Full Frontal with plenty more fodder for satire, but until then, let Michelle Branch soothe some of your grief.

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