Funeral Suits get lushly cinematic in this music video exclusive

Funeral Suits get lushly cinematic in this music video exclusive

Funeral Suits aren’t the type to shy away from going big with their projects. They proved that several years ago, with the beautifully conceived video for the track “All Those Friendly People,” which has deservedly racked up more than 14 million views. And after spending last summer in a studio in Germany, the Dublin-based quartet is back with a new EP due out later this year. The A.V. Club is exclusively premiering the band’s new video for track “The Way Back,” and a quick viewing of the clip should demonstrate why we were happy to debut it.

Directed by James Fitzgerald, the video tells an entire story to accompany the swooping, potent anthemic rock. As the band explains, “For us the song is about adventure—being able to say yes to the opportunities that life presents, and to endeavor to approach the experience in a vibrant way. Naturally, in life everyone will be faced with challenges and stumbling blocks, but it’s for us to jump over the hurdles with bravery and grace and appreciate and enjoy the opportunity.” The song itself was inspired by the wolf calls at the end of Spike Jonze’s Where The Wild Things Are, so it’s fitting the music ended up with a video possessing a similarly affecting connection to youth, family, and wanderlust. Funeral Suits’ new EP Tree Of Life comes out August 5.

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