Funny Or Die CEO says Between Two Ferns should get "anyone but Trump" at Humanitarian Award gala

Last month, Los Angeles’ Venice Family Clinic announced that it would be giving Between Two Ferns host Zach Galifianakis and producer Scott Aukerman (a.k.a. Scott Ankerman) with its Humanitarian Award for the work they did in promoting the Affordable Care Act. The award was presented to them at a gala event over the weekend, during which The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Funny Or Die CEO Mike Farah to ask about some dream guests for the absurd and occasionally antagonistic talk show thing that is Between Two Ferns.

Recognizing what was probably the least interesting option, he answered “anyone but Trump,” saying it’s hard to make fun of someone who is “already such a joke,” but he would like to see Galifianakis go up against Mark Zuckerberg. “That would be a very interesting conversation,” he says, “especially with what’s going on today.”

During the award presentation ceremony, Galifianakis and Aukerman accepted the Humanitarian Award and then immediately turned around to present it back to the Venice Family Clinic’s own Dr. Karen Lamp, with Galifianakis telling the crowd, “Don’t be an entertainer! Don’t follow your Hollywood Dreams! Be Like this lady!”

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